By insulting Jadhav’s family, Pakistan top brass has walked right into quicksand and will soon drown in it.

Pakistan started thumping its chest after declaring that it would allow Kulbhushan Jadhav’s mother and wife to come to Pakistan and meet him. The meeting was organized after several requests for the same from the Indian side. However, the interaction was tightly controlled, and a glass wall was placed between Jadhav and his mother Avanti Jadhav, wife Chetankul.

They had assured that Jadhav would be able to meet his family members freely. Unfortunately, the officials decided to rope in ISI people to monitor the meeting.  Instead of Jadhav’s mother tongue-Marathi, officials insisted that the three of them should only communicate in English.

Most of the Indians felt that not letting a mother touch her son’s hand was the most inhumane thing to be done.

Later, Pakistan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Dr. Mohamaad Faisal briefed the Pakistani media. He claimed that due to security reasons, they had to keep the glass partition and no physical contact was allowed. This was informed to India, well in advance. He also pointed out that J.P Singh, the Indian Deputy High Commissioner in Pakistan was promised he would be able to just “see” the meeting. The spokesperson referred to Jadhav as “Yadav” multiple times during the press conference.

Political analysts from India believe that this meeting was Pakistan’s attempt to legitimize its position in front of the world.

Most of the Indians felt Pakistan broke moral and human norms by humiliating Jadhav’s family by asking them to remove mangalsutra, bindi, and bangles. They also requested Jadhav’s wife to change her attire.  Frisking, for security reasons, sounds fair enough, but asking them to remove bindi, jewelry is nothing less than ridiculous.  This was probably done to show disrespect towards India’s cultural sensibilities. The security officials retained Jadhav’s wife’s shoes, and the notorious neighbor now claims there was some metallic substance in the boots.

Most importantly, in spite of assurance about keeping journalists away from Kulbhushan Jadhav’s kin, reporters were allowed to approach them and ask insensitive questions on several occasions.

While interacting with journalists, Jadhav’s mother shared her opinion that her son did not look normal, he behaved as if he was under the influence of something and was probably saying what he was told to speak.

MEA’s spokesperson Raveesh Kumar condemned the act and criticized Pakistan for showing insensitivity and said the meeting lacked credibility.

India and Pakistan’s relationship is often full of accusation and counter-accusation, surrounded by the rhetoric of tension. The recent incident has highlighted the same once again.

Senior journalist, founder of the American Friends of Balochistan, Ahmar Mustikhan exclusively interacted with us and shared his opinion on this issue.

“Pakistan’s trial of Kulbushan Jadhav violates international laws. You can expect anything from a rogue, terrorist state like Pakistan. As an ethnic Baloch whose people are suffering crimes against humanity in Balochistan, I can assure you Islamabad has no respect for the UN’s Laws of War. India made a huge mistake when they let 93,000 Pakistan soldiers go scot-free without being tried for war crimes after their defeat in Dhaka,” said Mustikhan.

“We still have great expectations from Premier Narendra Modi. He raised our hopes by his speech at the Red Fort. But sixteen months have passed, and unfortunately, we see no help from India whatsoever. Baloch people are extremely concerned,” said the senior journalist while sharing his views about Pakistan and Kulbushan Jadhav case.

Rajiv K Bajaj, the former VP of Sahara India Pariwar also interacted with us on the issue.

“The anger over the treatment meted out to Commander Kulbhushan Jadhav’s mother and wife by the Pakistanis may be justified.  However, we have to remember this was our best opportunity to get “PROOF OF LIFE” in that whether or not Commander Jadhav was alive!  In that purpose, we have been successful. The disgusting, horrendous treatment meted out to two women by the Pakistanis is a bonus; it shows once again to the world that the Pakistani establishment is not just liars but rotten, incorrigible liars! Humanity has no part to play here! This is diplomacy! And once again the Pakistani Establishment has shot itself in the face (not even the foot),” said Bajaj.

“India should be grateful to the Paki top brass for their crass, crude and coarse behavior; if Pakistanis had behaved in a civilized manner what would we have had to beat Pakistan with? In fact, if an Indian had planned this he couldn’t have done it better; today the Pakistan top brass has walked right into quicksand and will soon drown in it,” said the host of the RKB show.


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