The fact that Zakir Naik’s videos are easily available on the internet is alarming and central home ministry must take steps to remove them.

Kasargode district based 23-year-old Athira has been in the headlines this month. According to Athira’s statement, her friends influenced her to study Islam with the help of books and Zakir Naik’s videos. She claimed her friends often spoke about how idol worshiping is wrong and how non-believers of Islam might go to hell.

“All my friends were Muslims, and they brainwashed me. They questioned me about the logic behind worshiping stones. They made me think that my religion (Hinduism) is wrong and only Islam is the correct religion. The books that these friends gave me were also about how Hinduism is wrong. My message to everyone is that he or she should study their religion properly and then decide what’s right for you,”-said the woman during her interaction with journalists.

When questioned about why she choose to leave her parents after converting to Islam, Athira shared some astonishing details about how individuals from Popular Front of India (PFI) trained her in advance to answer questions that the court may ask during proceedings on her parents’ habeas corpus filed in Kerala high court.

Athira is fortunate enough that her parents helped her regain religious consciousness. Credit for saving Athira’s life goes to her parents as well as to activists from Arsha Vidhya Samajam’s Kochi Centre as they helped her understand what Hinduism way of life means.

It’s unfortunate that Naik’s videos are still accessible in India and culprits are using the same to spread their propaganda. Investigative agencies suggest several Hindus from Kerala are brainwashed, converted to Islam and then sent to Iraq. As per MoS Home, Hansraj Ahir, Kerala witnesses at least one thousand conversions every month. He also pointed out that most of the people from the state who joined the Islamic State were ‘converted’ Muslims.

NIA is currently investigating the famous (probably) love jihad case involving the victim Akhila from Kerala. Now, the most important question, why is it that Zakir Naik’s videos are still available and accessible on YouTube? Naik and his followers operated web and television properties from Mumbai. Several high-ranking police officials from Maharashtra have promoted Peace TV and Zakir Naik in the past. Is it bec

ause of their soft corner for Naik that these videos are still readily available on the internet? Hope the NIA is observing and looking at all these links. Else, many girls like Athira would be misguided in the future.

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