What happens next in the Fincher series? Will Holden turn into a serial killer? Will the downslide of Holden’s personal life serve him a bait to do something extreme? Will finch deliver us some plot twist? Anticipated plot twist? Or completely off the table twist? or as Fincher says, will there be more Atlanta Child murders? Will the fascinatingly evil Edmund influence Holden into his behavior? Fascinatingly evil? You thought that right!! I am a bit fascinated by that serial killer!

David Fincher’s Mindhunter makes sure that we incline and get more curious about the negative characters in the movie. Watching the negative characters being the Serial Killers in the series, we tend to kind of get into a trance of the world full of dark crimes!


This dark psychodrama is constructed out of a book; Mind Hunter: Inside the FBI’s Elite Serial Crime Unit written by John E. Douglas and Mark Olshaker. It sheds light on the darkest and sinister crimes ever haunted humanity like the worst nightmare. The murders talked in the series is uneasy, it leaves your comfort seat twisted, but it fascinatingly interesting to delve into the minds of these dreaded criminals.

But Why do we have this quenchless desire to see watch crime movies and embrace this nightmare? Curiosity to peak into dark shades of our society in a safe environment of a theater is an easy way to put it, but it’s more than that.

Serials killers are very famous in all societies around the world. Some of them even achieved cult status. This tells more about our world than about serial killers.

We are fascinated by serial killers because we see in them the vice traits which are suppressed in our behavior. People want the catharsis of negative emotion without hurting anyone. People also want to know the mechanics of how the function and get away with a crime which titillates the intellectual senses.

It is crucial to exercise this detrimental purge of emotion harmlessly so we can be good later. As Carl Jung said, ” You cannot be a good person until you know how much evil you contain within you.”


Sometimes suppressing bad emotions can lead to frustration. For any peace to exist, there always has to be a balance. Entertaining our dark side can be therapeutic.

Sujith Nair

Contributing writer at thearticle.in.