Intellectuals with Marxist and Leninist ideologies always live in denial of the functional failures in their ideologies. The revolutionary utopia is always half-baked. Ideas are good as long as they don’t breed over-intellectualism and hypocrisy regarding politics and a nation. The question remains as to why nationalism should be more embraced now than ever!

When did history saw a rise in nationalism? Who fought for a nation with patriotism as their breath and life?? Who was Giuseppe Mazzini? Why were his ideas of nationalistic revolution taken up by many leaders which also includes India’s post-colonial leaders?

Born in Genoa, Giuseppe Mazzini, a politician, journalist, and activist, had the intellectual ability to revolutionize Italy during a period of national exigency. With his nationalistic spirit, he pledged to free Italy from the foreign rule which ruled it by dividing it into two separate states. The struggle leads him to form secret rebel societies like the Carbonari and Young Italy. His foundation for morality was laid by laws of progress, duty, and sacrifice. Considered as a Romantic Nationalist, Mazzini supported the idea of a thought and action which according to him, was crucial for a nation to progress. He discarded any notion which separated practicality from theory.  Mazzini believed in a revolution based on direct popular action. He also found that the globe would progress as one country when individual countries develop themselves and become efficient to provide and protect the people.


Giuseppe Mazzini NationalismA Country is not a mere territory; the particular territory is only its foundation. The Country is the idea which rises upon that foundation; it is the sentiment of love, the sense of fellowship which binds together all the sons of that territory.

― Giuseppe Mazzini

Even though his ideologies had considerable influence on Italian and European republican movements, almost every political-revolutionary phases, he went through witnessed failures in some way or other. He had failed several times. He also went through psychological turmoil. But nothing could hold him back from rising back up to fight for the cause. Brushing off all notions of individualism rooted in principles of classical liberalism,  he claimed that the underlying concept of this thought phenomenon is “presupposing metaphysical materialism or political atheism.” Unlike many ideologists, Mazzini promoted a Nationalistic morale which set the tone for the greater good of Humanity as a whole.

Some Excerpts from THE DUTIES OF A MAN :




It is not a surprise that Post-colonial leaders of India like Mahatma Gandhi and Veer Savarkar got influenced by Mazzini’s ideologies. The struggle for the freedom of the nation from virulent attacks of anti-national elements proved to be the backbone to lead India to freedom. This fight could have been only possible with a nationalistic spirit. Great Indian freedom fighters like Subash Chandra Bose, Bhagat Singh, they all brimmed with nationalism in a true humanistic spirit.

Subhas Bose Nationalism

Nationalism is inspired by the highest ideals of the human race, satyam (the true), shivam (the god), sundaram (the beautiful). Nationalism in India has…roused the creative faculties which for centuries has been lying dormant in our people.

 – Subhas Chandra Bose

Are the communist countries communist enough?

China (People’s Republic of China) is an excellent example to introspect how even though claiming to be a communist country, it attaches itself to capitalistic ends. The political scenario of China is controlled by CPC (communist party of China). It has CPC as the central ruling governance. In this case, very few or null competition exists for CPC. CPC determines political appointments. The state controls Even the media. Does this sound like classic communism? Or more or less an authoritarian government?  In the communist ideology, any property is owned by the state or it has the collective ownership. It claims to bring about equality in the citizen at every level. But in contrast to this, China amended its constitution in 2004 to recognize private property. Also, the stats in 2010 suggest that General Motors sold more cars in China than the USA. The economy of China is a patchwork of private and public businesses. This communist country is tailoring itself for capitalist ends. History itself has witnessed so many failed states of communism which only led to the people to their suffering!

The 21st century needs Nationalism or communism?

The communist approach always underlies one thing. Your love of your self with regards to seeing the world as one country is superior and much divine than your love of a nation. Fostering this mental seed of Individualism is not something wicked, but it is wrong!

It is an open fact that the world is witnessing radicalization of Islam throughout the globe and the world leaders are taking up nationalistic principles to prevent malicious elements affecting their people.

  • American President Donald Trump has expressed his outcry towards illegal migrants who he claims is disrupting the balance of United States of America.
  • The radicalization and increase of extreme Islamic activities pushed Britain to exit from the European Union; BREXIT.
  • Russian President Vladimir Putin has also fueled nationalistic ideas by deciding to invade Ukraine and join Crimea to support his nationalistic cause!

Well, the world has mixed reactions to these outburst of nationalistic rage. You can see lots of people protesting against nationalistic views and geared towards accepting globalization. The motto here is not to sideline globalization by bringing up nationalism, but to balance out both. The deficit in nationalistic spirit is going can prove fatal for the country as a whole.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi also raised a nationalistic enthusiasm when he came into power. He swept the Indian masses with a wave of the idea “Bharat Vishwaguru.” In several of his speeches, he condemned the anti-national elements which aimed to drag India from its excellent pace of economic and social growth. As soon as Nationalistic views began to rise, the country saw an increase in anti-national intellectuals also. The JNU-row sparked off a surge among the media ridiculing both sides in playing out their agendas. However, the JNU case was an eye opener as to how important is nationalism today to fight anti-national propaganda backed by leftist philosophy. With more and more communal violence bursting out in several parts of the country, it has become clear that we need to embrace nationalism to protect our country’s walls and economic achievements. The Rohingya Crisis is fueled these days which is elevating the confusion existing in people in taking a stand for their nation. Pseudo-intellectuals are always motivated to fight for their agendas.  Yes! Everybody has an agenda! But the question is whether or not it is good for the nation.

Nationalism is necessary for the greater good of a country concerning the globe as a whole! Nations are like the bars of the turning wheel; which is the world!. If one bar gets affected, it reflects on the entire wheel. It is something that should be understood who disregards nationalism as totalitarianism or military rule. Nationalism also helps to create a separate identity by promoting cultural communities of that country. It creates a cultural identity.  The collective ideology of nation to progress as a nation is fundamental for keeping the balance. No matter how harshly one denies it, the country and territory always become a part of the individual’s life story!


Sujith Nair

Contributing writer at

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