In a matter of brutal murder of two Hindu seers and their driver in Palghar last week, now demand has been raised for transfer investigation to NIA from CID, Maharashtra. A Writ petition has been filed in Bombay HC by Ghanshyam Upadhyay, who is Mumbai based Advocate.
Petitioner mentioned reason to file the petition as he pained by such brutal murder of two religious leaders of faith which he himself follows. He also states the incompetency which was highlighted in investigating an important matter like Bhima Koregaon.
For explaining a seriousness of the Case, petition mentions that “the matter is extremely serious and sensitive in nature and also for reaching consequences and since powerful persons seem to be involved and in fact appear to be kingpins of the criminal conspiracy, in furtherance of which, the murder of the aforesaid Hindu saints and their driver is committed.”
“In the entire episode, the local police and their higher rank officers seem to be a party of the said deep-rooted criminal conspiracy and with the result, every attempt is made by the culprits and local police to show as if, it was a case of mob lynching under the mistake and belief of those saints being thieves,” the plea further stated.
In prayer to Mumbai HC, the petition also asked to order the Central government and Palghar SP to let the NIA decide about the investigation of the matter by submitting the report to the court.
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